
So, you've added a discussion to the site (just like this!), and managed to tick off the discussion checklist - a catchy title, asked a question and added an image...

If the reader really likes what you have to say, then they may click through to your profile page and investigate you and your business further - this is great news! 

However, to encourage more people to find out more about you quickly you're going to need to add a call to action within your post. This will drive the reader exactly where you want them (for example: to your website). 

If you're stuck for time or ideas, simply add your website link at the end of your post.

Or, be creative! Remember, you can add a link to an image too. 



Above: This is the button to add a hyperlink to text within your post. HERE is an example, taking you to our services page.

Below: This is the box which appears when you add an image to your post. Circled is where you can add a link which members can click-through. 


Happy posting! 


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  • Just setting up some fsb events now to be teased in a post so very timely thanks Jessie


    • That's great Geoff! :)

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