
What's the point of writing and sharing a blog, I hear many ask, nobody will read it!

It's true that on ABNC the post blogs are less visible and do not normally receive as much interaction compared to forum posts, however, a blog post allows you to delve deeper into your subject. Here are some benefits and things to think about:

  • a post discussing a subject related to your business will show that you are knowledgeable within your field 
  • if you already post on Linkedin, or your website - ABNC gives you an extra platform for free 
  • your post may resonate with the reader, leading them to contact you to discuss things further 
  • your blog may remind the reader that they need something that you can provide!

Since the relaunch on this site, i've noticed a few great blog posts. I recommend that you take a look at our dedicated blog section or check out the links below!

  • Claire Mackie has a great routine, adding quality technology-related blogs weekly. Be like Claire!
  • Gordon Charlton shared some of his advice on dealing with SAD (Seasonal Affect Dissorder) How is your mood over Winter? Perhaps you can learn from this one.
  • Tips for Solopreneurs is a great read by Susanne Grant - you're guarenteed to benefit from at least one of the pointers. 
  • I learnt something from this one! Thanks to Dale Sutherland. Protect your passwords.


What are your thoughts on blogs?


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  • I'm going to give it a shot!
    • I look forward to reading yours Tess :)
  • Ohh thanks for sharing my lastest blog! Yes, I love blogging, especially when using Pinterest to drive traffic. It has been a great tool in my business.
    • no worries Susanne, thanks for sharing it with us!
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