
  • Thanks everyone for your generous support and advice.

    To be honest, I did decide and it's called Hoolet.

    You can find out why at - or you can guess here!


    Although, is it too late to change to Mearns Magic?... 

  • Welcome (again) Joanna! I hope you find your name soon, let us know what you decide on!

  • Welcome to ABN Joanna!

  • Joanna Fraser Communications? Or JF Communications? JFC? Mearns Magic?? But as Mark said, check the options thoroughly before you push the button!

  • Welcome to ABN Joanna! 

    • Hi Siobhan, nice to meet you!

  • With many people possibly considering starting their own businesses, I often find that they struggle to come up with a suitable name.  Using your own initials is a common solution but can lead to some unfortunate company names, especially if your initials are WC, STD or STI

    Best advice I can give, is that although the business name is important, people should really consider the whole branding exercise when choosing a name. The ones that dont, usually end up re-branding after a year or two.

    • Thanks for that, Mark.

      You're right, there are a lot of initials about. And a lot of people's names, which I completely understand if you have a (good) reputation...

  • Hi Joanne, No tales on naming a business, just wanted to say welcome to ABN! ☺️

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