Andrew Smith's Discussions (395)

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Too busy to follow up?

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Have you ever been too busy to follow up after a networking event?? That's something I occasionally hear - but I'm not convinced too busy is actually the case!

To explain....especially when we've met people for the first time, following up is so

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Sell Less to Sell More

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'Sell less to sell more' is an expression I'm glad I heard early in my networking journey. What does it mean? That if we want to make lots of sales, we should sell less when we network and are building our relationships

But isn't that a natural

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Thank-You and Merry Xmas!


Another couple of days then it's time to get stuck into this lot. Many thanks for all the great company, laughs and support this year. Especially for KLT Networking - which launches next month - and the first clients who have already come on board (

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Bten and Sten - Thank-You!

It was great to go back and see the ABN Bten sales intel group in action again at SBP in Peterhead. The hardcore were there - no lying by the pool in Turkey for them (yet!)!


Then it was my 'home' group, the wonderful Stenners on Thursday. Missing ho

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