Profile Information

Business Sector

Marketing, Personal Assistance, Charity

Please provide the name of your company/organisation and details of what you/they do

RIP Notice - The Online Obituary Company RIP Notice provides a simple-to-use, cost effective digital platform that allows families of the recently bereaved to notify family, friends and the wider community of the sad death of a relative.

What would you like to achieve from your ABN Community membership?

Build a network of new connections to help me build the brand and digital platform of the website and social media platforms.

What makes you/your business/organisation different?

RIP Notice believes it will transform the process of placing obituaries and sharing details of bereavements. Passing on savings of around 70% per year, the online death notice company will work as a close partner to undertakers and funeral directors to offer a streamlined and cost-efficient approach to obituaries. Families and friends can use the digital platform to share condolences and memories of the deceased, along with the option to send personalised sympathy cards and flowers.

Website address?

Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook (Business) & Instagram Contact Details?

How did you find out about ABNCommunity? (If recommended by an individual, please list their name)

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